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Just a few snippets of news from around the city, the region, the state, the country and the world. If you have any contributions or have seen or read something of interest let us know.



Volunteer training

Training for the Volunteer Program is coordinated by Ballarat Health Services and Limbs4Life.


Over the years BAG had tried to reach amputees unaware of our existence. We had the best response from a mailout in conjunction with BHS.

But it's a standing invitation for anyone to attend meetings and make inquiries.


BAG uses state grants to operate. The funds are made available through the Community Inclusion Unit, Community and Economic Participation Branch of the State Department of Human Services.

It's what makes everything possible for our group.

Advice site

There is a website provided by South Australia's Amputees In Touch organisation. It has a pretty comprehensive coverage of issues and questions  relating to amputees.

Check out the website

Lego leg

Christina Stephens lost part of her leg but she has not let the amputation destroy her sense of humor. Christina uploaded a video of herself building a prosthetic leg out of Legos.  This video has gotten more than 800,000 views since upload.

Read more:

Disability parking

Members had some questions about disability car parking around Ballarat. We  may have speaker at some stage from Ballarat City Council's Parking Services Unit.

Park permits

Application forms for disabled persons parking permits can be picked up at Ballarat Town Hall, Sturt St, Ballarat or the Pheonix building, Armstrong St, Ballarat. The form must be filled in by the applicant and their GP. There's a $5 fee.


There will be flyers and notices for Ballarat Amputee Group available at meetings. If members take a few and distribute them in their neck of the woods we will get great coverage around Ballarat.

... Any suggestions?

If there are any ideas/suggestions about the group please share them with us.




Ring John McGregor 0412611028



Covering the Ballarat region.

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